Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Grace in Small Things: 7 of 365
- Floating.
Monday, May 25, 2009
3 Months Later
I think now it seems much more final that 1 month did. It's setting in.... it's over. And although I knew that before, the reality of it is becoming more clear. There's a different kind of sadness and I think the difference now is that I am, at times, angrier at myself than I am at him. This is a big shift and one that I did not see coming. I never felt like I was to blame before. I didn't want to beat myself up, I was kinda too fragile... I didn't deserve to be beaten up. But now I feel my part in what happened.
So much of his behavior was awful. So much of the selfcenteredness and the apathy was not okay. And yet, I acted as though it was okay. I acted as though all of it was normal and I adapted to his behavior in order to make it fit. Well that's not fair. I was not treated the way I should have been and deep down I knew it. I knew he wasn't the kind of partner that I needed, and yet I glossed over it. The warning signs. The miscommunications. I brushed it all away.
When I look back on 3 months ago I see a good deal of change. So much so that I can hardly recognize who I was or the choices I was making. Was I just blinded by love? By commitment? I can't really say. All I know is that I neglected the dull aches of anger and hurt that were telling me something was not right in the pit of my stomach.
And so I feel angry at myself for letting it all happen. I feel like I let myself down. To voice all of it. To be heard.
But I know that's not true. On one cold January night, my voice came burrowing out of me. My body shook as I blurted out the words. That I needed more. That I deserved so much more. And then I left.
So, I didn't buy flowers this time, it wasn't a flowers kinda day....but if I had, I would have bought some lovely white mums. Because, you know, I'm quite lovely.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My life is approaching fast.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Number 9
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Was it a waste?
We were together for nine years and that seems now like an eternity, my whole adult life. I spent my twenties with him, pretty much every year of them. Sometimes I feel like all that amounted to nothing. I mean here I am, living with my parents, about to live on my own for the first time (no roommate, no boyfriend), I'm trying to change careers, I'm finding myself all over again, I'm starting from scratch.
I was sitting in a friendly, oddly comforting, dark, divey bar in the middle of the afternoon, catching up with a friend who I hadn't seen in years and who is also going through the break-up of a long-term relationship. She said to me, "I'm starting to think I've wasted a big part of my life." I knew the feeling, I told her that sometimes I felt the same way. But then we looked at each other in disbelief, both saying, "How could you think that? You've done so much!"
I've always seen her as a woman who charted her own path, fiercely independent, never answering to anyone. It never seemed like any part of her personality was silenced. She traveled, made lots of friends, explored new hobbies, became a dancer. I asked her how she could think that was all a waste. And then she said to me that she was starting to realize that all those years weren't wasted. It wasn't her life that was stagnant, it was the relationship that never evolved. I remember how I began to see other relationships around me grow and I watched my own remain unchanged from one year to the next. I wished desperately for a change because I knew I was growing and I wanted the relationship to grow too.
So we both looked at each other, seeing women that in our eyes did wonderful things with the past years, and we knew we couldn't view our lives as wasted.
I wanted to pursue Interior Design and I worked hard to get my BFA.
I wanted to travel and I went to Italy, London, Paris, Hawaii, Costa Rica.
I met incredible people, had wonderful experiences, had horrible experiences, and changed my life over and over again.
I was a waitress, an art gallery assistant, an art exhibition installer, a museum's assistant curator, a line cook, an instructional designer, and an interior design student.
I've fallen in love and had my heart broken.
For the last nine years I was truly loved and I loved back. I took part in one of the greatest experiences of my life and for that I am grateful.
I've allowed people to come in and out of my life who have taught me, guided me, scared me, and pushed me.
And I've made a friendship that became one of the greatest gifts and because of it I've grown up to be the woman I am today.
No, none of this was a waste.
I finally made a change because of how much I've grown and I plan to spend the rest of my life evolving and growing without any limits. Constantly changing. Constantly growing.
photo by Robert S. Donovan
Friday, May 1, 2009
Grace in Small Things: 6 of 365
- My face lighting up, thinking of a possibility.
- Laughing so hard as I instant message with my BFF.
- Pleasant thoughts.
- Smiling for no reason.
- Getting very excitied for future plans.
Wage a battle against embitterment and take part in Grace in Small Things.